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Company Profile

The Athinaikon store was founded in the 1960s in Lavrio and is active in the trade of women's and men's shoes and leather accessories.

At Athinaikon shoes you will find a wide variety of successful greek and foreign brands.
The consumer can choose between many types of shoes and accessories of all ages and styles combined with excellent quality and comfort.

In 2021 we created our own online store www.athinaikonshoes.gr for easy and fast online shopping.

Our vision, in addition to impeccable service, is to offer our customers products of high quality and aesthetics, combining a variety of prices and designs that follow the trends of each era.

The owner and operator of this website is the company "MASTRODIMITROPOULOS IOANNIS-ATHINAIKON". The company's headquarters are located at 14 Iroon Polytechniou Square in Lavrio ,tax reg 106502180 , tax office Koropiou and G.E.MI. num 056129609000

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